Britta Arvidsson
Education: Courses in painting and graphics at Gerlesborgsskolan in Hamburgsund and courses in watercolor in France in several rounds. Hovedskous Painting School in Gothenburg 1994-97. Course in tempera at Gerlesborg School in 2000.
Solo exhibitions at various art associations, including at Luna in Alingsås and SCA in Gothenburg. Separately also at Partille Slott 2015, Gallery 33 in Vårgårda 2009, Kulturhuset in Orsa 2003 and Gallery Equmeniakyrkan in Alingsås 2016.
Has participated in about forty group exhibitions, mainly in Western Sweden, among others in the Kingdom of Art at the Castle in Partille, Pictures from Hovedskous Painting School at Folkets Hus in Varberg, Art Gallery Mimers Hus in Kungälv, Art Hall in Trollhättan, Nolhaga Castle and Art Hall in Alingsås, Gallery Norden's pictures in Kungälv and the Lokstallet in Strömstad.
Britta Arvidssson is represented in a number of municipal art collections and with decoration assignments at Electrolux Professionell AB in Alingsås and H Arvidssons Tandtekniska Lab AB in Alingsås.