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Hannu Väisänen

Born 1951 in Oulu, Finland, lives in France.

Painter, graphic artist and writer.

Educated at the Art Academy in Nyslott (1969-70) and at the Finnish Academy of Arts in Helsinki (1970-74). After a long series of exhibitions, Hannu Väisänen is today considered one of the tone-setting artists in Finland. He has lived in Souillac in France since 1989.

He is also a writer and has received the "Thank you for the book" medal in 2005 for the book "Vanikan palat" and the "Finland prize" in 2007 for the book "Toiset können" (Other shoes). Among his public works can be mentioned the Altarpiece and nine other paintings in Sankt Thomas church in Oulu in 1977,

The altar triptych "Miracle of Pentecost - Fragment of faith" in St. Michael's Church in Gårdsbacka in Helsinki 1987-89 and a couple of paintings at the Finnish National Opera. Hannu Väisänen is represented in several of Finland's art museums.

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