Nils-Erik Mattson
b. 1952, Kinna.
Studies at Hovedskous School of Painting, Gothenburg (1972-73), Valand School of Art, Gbg (1973-80), University of Skövde (91), Free Art & New Media, Valand School of Art (2000-01) and Graphics specialization, Valand (02-03) ).
Debut solo exhibition at Tidaholms Konsthall in 1978. After that, around thirty solo exhibitions at Ulricehamns Museum, Oijens Gallery, Grafik i Väst, Öhström Gallery and Gothenburg Art Association in Gothenburg, Boj Gallery in Stockholm, Galleri du Nord and Flaménska gallery in Borås, Lidköpings Art Gallery, Stadhuskuben in Falkenberg and the Grafikrummet in Örebro.
Nils-Erik Mattsson has participated in around 80 group exhibitions over the years, including at Galleri am Savignyplatz, Berlin 1978, Frölunda Kulturhus, Gothenburg, Kulturhuset in Stockholm, Grafiktriennalen in Malmö, Konstnärshuset in Stockholm, Skövde Konsthall, Eskilstuna Art Museum, Borås and Gotlands Art museums, Gothenburg Art Museum, Graphic Society, Stockholm, International Graphics Symposium in Tidaholm, Tidaholms Art Hall, Graphics Triennale in Stockholm, Höganäs Museum, Art Lithographic Museum in Tidaholm, Galerie Raskolnikov in Dresden, Germany and Gallery Astley in Skinnskatteberg.
NIls-Erik Mattsson has received a large number of commissions for public decoration, including floor mosaics for Sahlgrenska Hospital in Gothenburg, murals for Bass Hospital in Falköping and in stairwells in Karlsborg, ceiling paintings in Älmestad's school in Ulricehman, laminated glass and murals for Saga Teaterbiografen in Tidaholm, Sofas in limestone and bronze for HJo city, Water sculpture for Marbäcks village in Ulricehamn municipality and Wall painting for Castello de Gaiche in Perugia, Italy - some of the works have been done in collaboration with other artists.
Represented at the art museums in Gothenburg and Skövde.